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News Archive

Sunday 8th October 2023

Thanks to our Youth Organisations and Congregation at the Middle for a fantastic donation to the People’s Pantry.

Sunday 24 September 2022

Thanks to our Sunday School for a fantastic donation to the People’s Pantry. Also, well done to the congregation of the Middle for gathering so much food. This afternoon (Sunday) we donated 24 bags stuffed full of much needed supplies.

Thursday 3 June 2022

Well done to our Girls Brigade for their success in The Girls Brigade Platinum Jubilee

Results are as follows:-

Explorers - Design a Platinum Jubilee Crown for the Queen - Runners Up

Juniors - Design a Corgi Coat - Runners Up 

Brigaders - History of the Queens Fashion - Winners

Company - Presented a Poem to Celebrate QPJ - Winners

All the above can be seen on The Girls' Brigade Scotland Facebook page.


Well done to all our girls & Officers who took part.  So proud.

14th December 2021

Toy & Jacket Appeal


A big thank you to all of the Middle Church folk , the Girls Brigade and Bible Class for their generous donations to these worthy appeals. This is a great example of us reaching out to help our community.


Hebrews 13:16 :

Don’t forget to do good

and to share what you

have because God

is pleased with these

kinds of sacrifices.

14th September 2021

Please note that the booking line has been discontinued and it is no longer necessary for you to book a place in church.


When you arrive on Sunday morning you can either register your attendance by scanning the QR code on the front door or by giving your name at the door.


Visitors will still need to supply a contact number for NHS Test and Protect.


Thank you for your co-operation and support over the past few months and see you Sunday.


Gordon Russell

Session Clerk.

23rd June 2021

Following the sad Dissolution of the congregation of Bargeddie parish Church, Hamilton Presbytery have confirmed that the territorial area will be incorporated into the Parish of Coatbridge Middle.


Through the offices of Presbytery we at Middle have reached out to members of the Bargeddie congregation residing within Parish and offered them Pastoral care and mission within our Parish.

Also, They have been invited to join us in worship on a Sunday using the existing booking system.


I am confident the congregation of Middle will extend a warm hand of friendship to anyone who chooses to join us.


Gordon Russell

Session Clerk.

Newsletter - March 2021



Dear All,

This first quarter of 2021 has not been much different from most of 2020, but it has the promise of returning us to some kind of normality. This is thanks to the vaccine that is being administered throughout the country and I’m sure many of you have already received at least the first dose and added to that the reducing Covid numbers have helped lift the mood and I hope our spirits.

 The chink of light at the end of a dark tunnel has started to get brighter and with some positive news emanating from both the Scottish and UK government's it is clear we will be able to re-open our church before Easter, albeit still with restricted numbers.

Our Sunday service will start at 10 am from March until the end of June and we will be operating the same booking system with the same number as before.  So, we will re-open on Sunday 28th March at 10 am and our Easter Good Friday service will be on the 2nd April at noon and Easter Sunday at 10 am

Booking number: 07538 153274

I thank you for your continued co-operation and I look forward to seeing you all soon. It has been an enormously difficult year for us all. Staying at home, social distancing and wearing a mask outdoors are all activities that 12 months ago would have caused a raised eyebrow and dismissive glance. Some of us will have been furloughed and perhaps even lost our jobs and these circumstances present economic challenges in addition to that feeling of confinement and isolation.


Tragically, some of us have lost loved ones and whether through Covid or not we have all been challenged by the limitations on funerals, mourners and coping with loss in isolation. I expect we will have a church service to remember those loved ones when the time is right. For those shielding and living on their own, it has been even tougher. This is why it’s so important we keep in touch with each other and I would encourage our elders and board members to keep in touch with those in their district.


Sadly, we have lost a number of our members so far in 2021:

Mr Bill Craig.  Mrs Myra Morton.  Mrs Alice Pryde.

All of the familiar faces and each one a supportive member of the Middle Church.


Our Locum Richard Beattie has been recording Sundays Service’s since the lockdown and these will continue for the short term and are posted on our website on a weekly basis.

Speaking to many members I know some are anxious to get back to church and some are anxious about coming back to church but I can assure you that all government guidelines for the opening of churches will be adhered to including social distancing, wearing masks and

while sadly still no singing we will have music for you to enjoy.

I hope to see you soon.

Gordon Russell.  ( Session Clerk)

We are sad to announce that the following members have sadly passed away between 2020 and March 2021

Mrs. L. Stevenson

Mr. T. Peat

Mr. W. Fotheringham

Mrs. O. Lithgow

Mrs. M. Mortimer

Mr. D. Forsyth

Mrs. D. McDougal

Mrs. E. Forster

Mrs. I. McDonald

Mrs. J. Peat

Mrs. M. Gibb

Mr. A. Pryde

Mr. W. Craig

Mrs. M. Morton

Mrs. A. Pryde

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